Our ASP makes saving automatic

Have a pre-determined amount automatically transferred to your savings account at set intervals to ensure you save regularly and avoid temptation to spend the funds sitting in your chequing account.

Save Money

Earn an additional 1% bonus interest on the annual average monthly balance of your contributions made during the one-year term


Keeping your long-term funds separate from your everyday banking, so you reach your savings goals more quickly

Earn Move

The interest you earn by saving regularly with an Automatic Savings Plan, plus the bonus interest of our Savings Reward Plan, can bring you closer to your savings target.

Record Keeping

Electronic or printed statements options available monthly

Additional Features

Putting a set amount of your income aside every month, often called ‘paying yourself first,’ is one of the most effective ways to save, so we’ve designed an account to make this easier for you and reward your saving habits.
Our Automatic Savings Plan (ASP) makes saving automatic at set time intervals, so you don’t have to even think about it.
Customize when you’d like to make payments and how much you′d like put aside

Transfer a set amount to your Savings Account on a regular basis

Earn 1% bonus interest1 if you save regularly with the Savings Reward Plan